General Terms and Conditions

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General Conditions of Purchase - national

in German:



Allgemeine Einkaufsbedingungen der Firmen:

Oskar Dilo Maschinenfabrik KG, Eberbach

Dilo Systems GmbH, Eberbach

Dilo Machines GmbH, Eberbach

DG Engineering GmbH, Eberbach

Spinnbau GmbH, Bremen

Temafa Maschinenfabrik GmbH, Bergisch Gladbach


1. Wirksame Vereinbarung: Diese Einkaufsbedingungen gelten für die von uns abgeschlossenen Kauf-, Werk- und Dienstleistungsverträge in Form von Einzel- oder Rahmenverträgen, in denen wir auf diese Bedingungen Bezug nehmen. Unsere Einkaufsbedingungen gelten auch dann ausschließlich, wenn wir im Einzelfall der Einbeziehung der Bedingungen unseres Lieferanten nicht widersprechen oder in Kenntnis jener Geschäftsbedingungen die Lieferung vorbehaltlos annehmen. Einmal wirksam vereinbart, gelten diese Bedingungen auch für alle Folgegeschäfte mit einem Lieferanten, auch wenn sie nicht mehr ausdrücklich erwähnt werden. Unwirksamkeit einzelner Bedingungen berührt nicht die Wirksamkeit der übrigen Klauseln dieser Bedingungen.

2. Angebote: Vor Angebotsabgabe hat der Lieferant sich über die gestellte Aufgabe einschließlich der Schnittstellen zu anderen Aufgaben in diesem Zusammenhang umfassend zu informieren.

3. Auftragsbestätigung: Unsere Bestellung ist vom Lieferanten unverzüglich schriftlich zu bestätigen. Aus der Bestätigung müssen Preis, Rabatt und Skonto, wenn abweichend von diesen Bedingungen vereinbart sowie frühester verbindlicher Lieferzeitpunkt ersichtlich sein. Erfolgt innerhalb von 8 Tagen keine Bestätigung, so gilt unsere Bestellung in vollem Umfang als akzeptiert.

Zeit und Ort der Lieferung können von uns schriftlich bis spätestens 14 Kalendertage vor dem vereinbarten Liefertermin geändert werden. Produktspezifikationen können von uns bis spätestens 1 Kalendermonat vor dem vereinbarten Liefertermin geändert werden, soweit diese im Rahmen des normalen Produktionsprozesses des Lieferanten ohne erheblichen Zusatzaufwand umgesetzt werden können. Gegen Nachweis werden die entstehenden Mehrkosten von uns getragen, unvermeidliche und durch diese Änderungswünsche verursachte Lieferverzögerungen gelten als von uns verursacht. Der Lieferant wird uns die von ihm bei sorgfältiger Einschätzung zu erwartenden Mehrkosten oder Lieferverzögerungen rechtzeitig vor dem Liefertermin, mindestens jedoch innerhalb von 7 Werktagen nach Zugang unserer Mitteilung schriftlich anzeigen.

Wir behalten uns - insbesondere auch bei Rahmenvereinbarungen - vor, den Vertrag mit entsprechender Begründung zu kündigen, wenn der betreffende Liefergegenstand aufgrund zwischenzeitlich eingetretener Umstände nicht mehr oder auf absehbare Zeit nicht verwendet werden kann. Vom Lieferanten bereits erbrachte Teilleistungen werden gegen Nachweis von uns vergütet.

4. Lieferung, Lieferverzug: Die vereinbarte Lieferzeit ist einzuhalten. Vorzeitige Lieferungen sind nicht zulässig, es sei denn, sie werden von uns schriftlich genehmigt. Änderungen sind uns, ohne dass unsere Rechte aus Verzug dadurch beeinträchtigt werden, unter Angabe der Gründe unverzüglich mitzuteilen. Insbesondere gehen Kosten verspäteter Lieferung zu Lasten des Lieferanten.

Im Falle des Lieferverzugs sind wir berechtigt, nach vorheriger schriftlicher Androhung für jede angefangene Woche eine Vertragsstrafe in Höhe von 1 %, maximal 5 % des Bestellwertes zu verlangen. Die Geltendmachung eines weitergehenden Schadens bleibt vorbehalten, die Vertragsstrafe ist dabei auf den Schadensersatzanspruch anzurechnen.

Darüber hinaus sind wir nach dem erfolglosen Setzen einer angemessenen Nachfrist berechtigt, vom Vertrag zurückzutreten und Schadenersatz wegen Nichterfüllung zu verlangen. Im Falle des Lieferverzuges sind wir auch zum sofortigen Rücktritt berechtigt, wenn die verspätete Lieferung zu unzumutbaren Verzögerungen oder zu unzumutbarem Mehraufwand im Montageverlauf führen würde.

Darüber hinaus stehen uns im Fall des Lieferverzuges uneingeschränkt die gesetzlichen Ansprüche zu.

Falls wir durch Umstände höherer Gewalt an der Annahme des Liefergegenstandes gehindert sind, haben wir das nicht zu vertreten und haften nicht für daraus entstehende Schäden des Lieferanten. Höhere Gewalt liegt insbesondere vor bei Natur- und technischen Katastrophen, Streik, Aussperrung, Sabotage, Arbeitskämpfen, Krieg, Bürgerkrieg oder kriegsähnlichen Ereignissen, terroristischer Bedrohung, zivilen Unruhen, zivilen oder militärischen Machtübernahmen und Beschränkungen der Energieversorgung vor. Der höheren Gewalt gleichgestellt ist jedes andere Ereignis, das von uns nicht beeinflussbar ist („Höhere Gewalt“).

Dem am Leistungsort eingetretenen Ereignis höherer Gewalt steht ein solches gleich, das an einem anderen Ort aufgetreten ist und dessen kurzfristiges Übergreifen auf den Leistungsort nicht grundsätzlich ausgeschlossen werden kann und uns deshalb an der Annahme des Liefergegenstandes hindert.

Der Lieferant hat für die Anlieferung eine dem Wert des Liefergegenstandes entsprechende Transportversicherung abzuschließen.

5. Eigentumsvorbehalt: Eigentumsvorbehalte des Lieferanten gelten nur bis zur Bezahlung des jeweiligen Liefergegenstandes; erweiterte oder verlängerte Eigentumsvorbehalte sind unzulässig.

6. Versand: Dieser hat mangels besonderer Vereinbarungen fracht- und spesenfrei an den vereinbarten Erfüllungsort, bei fehlender Bestimmung im Vertrag an unser Werk in Eberbach zu erfolgen.

7. Verpackung: Der Lieferant hat, falls wir das wünschen, seine Verpackung ganz oder teilweise zurückzunehmen.

8. Gefahrenübergang: Dieser erfolgt auf uns erst nach Ankunft und Abnahme der Ware in unserem Werk; sowie nach Erhalt ordnungsgemäßer Versandpapiere. Bis dahin lagert die Ware bei uns auf Kosten und Gefahr des Lieferanten.

9. Rechnungserteilung: Rechnungen sind in 2-facher Ausfertigung spätestens 8 Tage nach Versand der Ware uns zuzusenden.

10. Zahlung erfolgt einschl. MwSt. nach Gefahrübergang und Rechnungserhalt nach unserer Wahl innerhalb 14 Tagen mit 3 % Skonto oder 30 Tagen mit 2 % Skonto oder 60 Tagen netto. Maßgeblich für den Fristlauf ist das Datum der Auftragserteilung an unsere Bank.

11. Unfall-Schutzvorrichtungen: Liefergegenstände wie Maschinen, Apparate, Fahrzeuge müssen Schutzvorrichtungen gemäß den Unfallverhütungsvorschriften der Berufsgenossenschaften sowie den gesetzlichen Vorschriften aufweisen.

12. Gewährleistung: Der Lieferant verpflichtet sich vom Tage der Abnahme an auf die Dauer von drei Jahren, alle Mängel, die auf schadhaftes oder minderwertiges Material, mangelhafte Ausführung oder Konstruktion zurückzuführen sind, unverzüglich auf seine Kosten frei am Bestimmungsort zu beseitigen oder davon betroffene Teile zu ersetzen. In dringenden Fällen, in denen es uns unzumutbar ist, den Lieferanten zur Nacherfüllung aufzufordern, oder, falls der Lieferant mit der Erfüllung der ihm obliegenden Gewährleistungspflicht in Verzug ist, sind wir berechtigt, die Mängel auf Kosten des Lieferanten selbst zu beseitigen oder beseitigen zu lassen oder Ersatz zu beschaffen.

Für die kaufmännische Untersuchungs- und Rügepflicht gelten die gesetzlichen Vorschriften (§§ 377, 381 HGB) mit folgender Maßgabe: Unsere Untersuchungspflicht beschränkt sich auf Mängel, die bei unserer Wareneingangskontrolle unter äußerlicher Begutachtung einschließlich der Lieferpapiere offen zu Tage treten (z. B. Transportbeschädigungen, Falsch- und Minderlieferung) oder bei unserer Qualitätskontrolle im Stichprobenverfahren erkennbar sind. Soweit eine Abnahme vereinbart ist, besteht keine Untersuchungspflicht. Im Übrigen kommt es darauf an, inwieweit eine Untersuchung unter Berücksichtigung der Umstände des Einzelfalls nach ordnungsgemäßem Geschäftsgang tunlich ist. Unsere Rügepflicht für später entdeckte Mängel bleibt unberührt. Unbeschadet unserer Untersuchungspflicht gilt unsere Rüge (Mängelanzeige) jedenfalls dann als unverzüglich und rechtzeitig, wenn sie innerhalb von 5 Arbeitstagen ab Entdeckung beziehungsweise bei offensichtlichen Mängeln, ab Lieferung abgesendet wird.

Abweichend von § 442 Abs. 1 S. 2 BGB stehen uns Mängelansprüche uneingeschränkt auch dann zu, wenn uns der Mangel bei Vertragsschluss infolge grober Fahrlässigkeit unbekannt geblieben ist.

Zur Nacherfüllung gehört auch der Ausbau der mangelhaften Ware und der erneute Einbau, sofern die Ware ihrer Art und ihrem Verwendungszweck gemäß in eine andere Sache eingebaut oder an eine andere Sache angebracht wurde; unser gesetzlicher Anspruch auf Ersatz entsprechender Aufwendungen bleibt unberührt. Die zum Zwecke der Prüfung und Nacherfüllung erforderlichen Aufwendungen trägt der Lieferant auch dann, wenn sich herausstellt, dass tatsächlich kein Mangel vorlag. Unsere Schadensersatzhaftung bei unberechtigtem Mängelbeseitigungsverlangen bleibt unberührt; insoweit haften wir jedoch nur, wenn wir erkannt oder grob fahrlässig nicht erkannt haben, dass kein Mangel vorlag.

Unbeschadet unserer gesetzlichen Rechte und der Regelungen im vorstehenden Absatz gilt: Kommt der Lieferant seiner Verpflichtung zur Nacherfüllung – nach unserer Wahl durch Beseitigung des Mangels (Nachbesserung) oder durch Lieferung einer mangelfreien Sache (Ersatzlieferung) – innerhalb einer von uns gesetzten, angemessenen Frist nicht nach, so können wir den Mangel selbst beseitigen und vom Lieferanten Ersatz der hierfür erforderlichen Aufwendungen bzw. einen entsprechenden Vorschuss verlangen. Ist die Nacherfüllung durch den Lieferanten fehlgeschlagen oder für uns unzumutbar (z. B. wegen besonderer Dringlichkeit, Gefährdung der Betriebssicherheit oder drohendem Eintritt unverhältnismäßiger Schäden) bedarf es keiner Fristsetzung; von derartigen Umständen werden wir den Lieferanten unverzüglich, nach Möglichkeit vorher, unterrichten.

Ansprüche wegen Sachmängeln an Einbau- und Zubehörteilen für unsere Maschinen verjähren, soweit nicht vertraglich Abweichendes oder gesetzlich längere Fristen vorgesehen sind, in drei Jahren.

13. Sonstige Haftung: Der Lieferant haftet im Übrigen nach den gesetzlichen Vorgaben für die von ihm schuldhaft verursachten Schäden. Er verpflichtet sich, einen erweiterten Betriebs- und Produkthaftpflichtversicherungsschutz (für Einbauteile: mit Maschinenklausel) unter Einschluss der vollen Deckung nach dem sogenannten Produkthaftungsmodell, d.h. insbesondere auch für Aus- und Einbaukosten, mit einer Deckungssumme von mindestens 5 Mio. Euro abzuschließen. Der Lieferant wird uns auf Anforderung eine entsprechende Versicherungsbestätigung vorlegen.

14. Lieferantenregress: Unsere gesetzlich bestimmten Regressansprüche innerhalb einer Lieferkette (Lieferantenregress gemäß §§ 445a, 445b, 478 BGB) stehen uns neben den Mängelansprüchen uneingeschränkt zu. Wir sind insbesondere berechtigt, genau die Art der Nacherfüllung (Nachbesserung oder Ersatzlieferung) vom Lieferanten zu verlangen, die wir unserem Abnehmer im Einzelfall schulden. Unser gesetzliches Wahlrecht (§ 439 Abs. 1 BGB) wird hierdurch nicht eingeschränkt.

Bevor wir einen von unserem Abnehmer geltend gemachten Mangelanspruch (einschließlich Aufwendungsersatz gemäß §§ 445a Abs. 1, 439 Abs. 2 und 3 BGB) anerkennen oder erfüllen, werden wir den Lieferanten benachrichtigen und unter kurzer Darlegung des Sachverhalts um schriftliche Stellungnahme bitten. Erfolgt eine substantiierte Stellungnahme nicht innerhalb angemessener Frist und wird auch keine einvernehmliche Lösung herbeigeführt, so gilt der von uns tatsächlich gewährte Mangelanspruch als unserem Abnehmer geschuldet. Dem Lieferanten obliegt in diesem Fall der Gegenbeweis.

Unsere Ansprüche aus Lieferantenregress gelten auch dann, wenn die mangelhafte Ware durch uns oder einen anderen Unternehmer, z.B. durch Einbau in ein anderes Produkt, weiterverarbeitet wurde.

15. Gewerbliche Schutzrechte: Der Lieferant übernimmt die Haftung dafür, dass die gelieferte Ware frei von gewerblichen Schutzrechten Dritter ist. Im Falle einer Verletzung solcher Schutzrechte ist der Lieferant für deren Geltungsdauer uns zum Ersatz aller uns und Dritten hinaus entstehenden Schäden verpflichtet. Wir sind in diesem Falle aber auch berechtigt, auf Kosten des Lieferanten von dem Inhaber solcher Schutzrechte die erforderliche Genehmigung zur Lieferung; Inbetriebnahme, Benutzung, Weiterveräußerung usw. der Ware zu erwirken. Die vorstehenden Regelungen gelten nicht, soweit der Lieferant nachweist, dass er die Schutzrechtsverletzung weder zu vertreten hat, noch bei Anwendung kaufmännischer Sorgfalt zum Zeitpunkt der Lieferung hätte erkennen müssen.

16. Zeichnungen, Geheimhaltung: Von uns gemachte Angaben oder auf Grund solcher Angaben angefertigte Zeichnungen usw. dürfen nur mit unserer schriftlichen Einwilligung anderweitig verwendet oder verwertet werden.

Alle durch uns dem Lieferanten zugänglich gemachten Informationen sowie die damit erzielten Arbeitsergebnisse (jeweils mit Ausnahme von öffentlich zugänglichen Informationen) sind vom Lieferanten Dritten gegenüber für die Dauer von 3 Jahren nach Abschluss des Vertrages geheim zu halten und dürfen im Betrieb des Lieferanten nur für Lieferungen an uns verwendet werden. Sofern für die Ausführung der Lieferung die Mitteilung vertraulicher Informationen an Dritte erforderlich ist, sind diese entsprechend zur Geheimhaltung zu verpflichten. Bei Verletzung der Vertraulichkeit gilt eine Vertragsstrafe von 25.000 € pro Verletzungshandlung, maximal jedoch 50.000 € pro Auftrag als vereinbart. Die Geltendmachung eines weitergehenden Schadens bleibt vorbehalten, die Vertragsstrafe ist dabei auf den Schadensersatzanspruch anzurechnen.

17. Werkzeuge und Modelle: Sofern wir Werkzeug- und Modellkosten ganz oder anteilig übernehmen, sind die Werkzeuge bzw. Modelle unser Eigentum. Die Übergabe der Werkzeuge bzw. Modelle an uns wird dadurch ersetzt, dass der Lieferant sie für uns kostenlos verwahrt. Sie sind als DILO-gehörig zu kennzeichnen und müssen auf seine (des Lieferanten) Kosten ausreichend gegen alle Risiken versichert sein. Sie sind durch den Lieferanten auf seine Kosten zu erneuern, wenn sie durch sein Verschulden unbrauchbar werden, wobei wir uns im Falle des normalen Verschleißes an den Kosten zu 50% beteiligen. Auch die erneuerten Werkzeuge werden unser Eigentum. Sollten wir nach unserem Ermessen veranlasst sein, den Lieferanten zur Übergabe der Werkzeuge bzw. Modelle aufzufordern, so wird dieser dem Verlangen ohne Widerspruch entsprechen. Werkzeuge oder Modelle dürfen nur mit unserer schriftlichen Einwilligung zur Fertigung für Dritte verwendet werden.

18. Beistellungen: Zur Ausführung unserer Aufträge von uns dem Lieferanten beigestellte Materialien, Werkzeuge und dergl. bleiben in jedem Falle unser Eigentum. Der Lieferant darf die beigestellten Gegenstände nur bestimmungsgemäß verwenden und nicht an Dritte überlassen oder Verfügungen (wie z.B. Sicherungsübereignung, Verpfändung und dergl.) über sie treffen. Der Lieferant hat ferner die als unser Eigentum gekennzeichneten Werkzeuge sowie die Materialien pfleglich zu behandeln und übersichtlich und getrennt zu lagern. Im Falle der Pfändung oder sonstiger Inanspruchnahme der Gegenstände von Seiten Dritter hat der Lieferant uns unverzüglich in Kenntnis zu setzen und unter Hinweis auf die Eigentumsverhältnisse unsere Rechte fürsorglich wahrzunehmen. Im Übrigen sind die beigestellten Gegenstände ausreichend gegen Feuer, Wasser, Diebstahl und Katastrophen zu Lasten des Lieferanten zu versichern. Der Lieferant ist auf unser Verlangen zur Herausgabe der beigestellten Gegenstände verpflichtet, soweit diese für die Auftragsabwicklung nicht mehr benötigt werden.

19. Mindestlohn, Compliance: Der Lieferant versichert, dass er bei Erfüllung des Vertrages die Vorgaben des Gesetzes zur Regelung eines allgemeinen Mindestlohns (MiLoG) einhält und insbesondere den Mindestlohn auch rechtzeitig bezahlt. Er wird auch keinen Nachunternehmer einsetzen, der den Mindestlohn nicht oder nicht rechtzeitig bezahlt. Der Lieferant stellt uns von der Haftung nach § 13 MiLoG i.V.m. § 14 Arbeitnehmerüberlassungsgesetz frei. Soweit er Nachunternehmer beschäftigt, wird er Sorge tragen, dass diese uns ebenfalls von der genannten Haftung freistellen.

Der Lieferant verpflichtet sich ferner, alle erforderlichen und angemessenen Maßnahmen zur Korruptionsvermeidung zu ergreifen, insbesondere Zuwendungen oder Vorteile, die nicht überwiegend betrieblichen Charakter haben, wie z.B. Geld, Geschenke oder Einladungen, weder zu gewähren noch anzunehmen.

20. Abtretung: Rechte aus diesem Vertrag dürfen nur mit unserer schriftlichen Zustimmung abgetreten werden. Dies gilt nicht für Geldforderungen. Eine Aufrechnung oder die Ausübung eines Zurückbehaltungsrechtes durch den Lieferanten ist nur mit unbestrittenen, anerkannten oder rechtskräftig festgestellten Forderungen zulässig.

21. Leistungsort: Für die Lieferung ist der Bestimmungsort, für die Zahlung ist unser jeweiliger Firmensitz der Leistungsort.

22. Gerichtsstand: Für die Geltendmachung von Ansprüchen aus Einkaufsverträgen wie in Nr. 1 oben beschrieben sind ausschließlich die für den Geschäftssitz des Bestellers zuständigen ordentlichen Gerichte zuständig.

Wir sind jedoch berechtigt, gegen den Lieferanten auch an jedem anderen allgemeinen oder besonderen Gerichtsstand vorzugehen.

23. Sonstiges: Die Vertragsbeziehungen richten sich nach deutschem Recht unter Ausschluss des Internationalen Privatrechts, soweit dort auf andere Rechtsordnungen verwiesen wird. Ferner ist die Anwendung des Einheitlichen UN-Kaufrechts (CISG) auf das Rechtsverhältnis zwischen uns und dem Lieferanten ausgeschlossen.

General Terms and Conditions of Purchase

General Terms and Conditions of Purchase of:

Oskar Dilo Maschinenfabrik KG, Eberbach

Dilo Systems GmbH, Eberbach

Dilo Machines GmbH, Eberbach

DG Engineering GmbH, Eberbach

Spinnbau GmbH, Bremen

Temafa Maschinenfabrik GmbH, Bergisch Gladbach


1. Validity of Agreement: These Terms and Conditions of Purchase are valid for all our material purchase contracts, purchase contracts for work and labour and service purchase contracts in the form of individual or framework contracts, in which is referred to the present General Conditions of Purchase.

Our Terms and Conditions of Purchase are exclusively valid even if – in individual cases – we do not contradict the inclusion of the terms of our supplier or, being aware of those terms, accept the delivery without reservation. Once our Terms and Conditions have been agreed upon, they are also valid for all subsequent businesses with a supplier, even if they are not explicitly referred to. The invalidity of single clauses does not affect the validity of all other clauses in the present Terms and Conditions of Purchase.

2. Quotations: Before submitting an offer, the supplier has to gather comprehensive information about the task set, including the interfaces to other tasks in this context.

3. Order Confirmation: The supplier must confirm in writing our order without any delay. The order confirmation must state prices, discounts and cash discounts if they differ from the present Terms and Conditions as well as the earliest possible binding delivery date. Should we not receive an order confirmation within 8 days, we consider our order accepted without reservation.

The time and place of delivery may be changed by us in writing by 14 calendar days at the latest before the agreed delivery date. Product specifications can be changed by us no later than 1 calendar month before the agreed delivery date, insofar as these can be implemented within the normal production process of the supplier without considerable additional effort. Against proof, the resulting additional costs are borne by us, unavoidable delivery delays caused by these change requests are considered as caused by us. The Supplier shall, after careful estimation, notify us in writing of any additional costs or delays in delivery expected of him in due time prior to the delivery date, but at least within 7 working days of receipt of our notification.

We reserve the right - especially in the case of framework agreements - to cancel the contract on reasonable grounds if the delivery item in question can no longer or for the foreseeable future not be used due to circumstances that have occurred in the meantime. Partial services already provided by the supplier will be remunerated by us against proof.

4. Delivery Time, Delayed Delivery: The agreed delivery time must be kept. Premature deliveries are not permitted unless they have been approved by us in writing. The supplier must notify us immediately of any changes, detailing the reasons. This does not affect our rights from delayed delivery. Particularly costs arising from delayed delivery are at the expense of the supplier.

In case of delayed delivery we reserve the right, after previous written notice, to demand a penalty of 1 % of the order value for every commenced week, maximum 5 %. We also reserve the right to claim further damages; the contractual penalty is to be counted against the claim for damages.

Moreover, after the unsuccessful setting of a reasonable period of grace, we are entitled to withdraw from the contract and claim damages for non-performance. In the event of a delay in delivery, we are also entitled to withdraw immediately if the delayed delivery would lead to unreasonable delays or unreasonable additional effort in the course of assembly.

In addition, we are fully entitled to the statutory claims in the event of delay in delivery.

If we are prevented by circumstances of Force Majeure from accepting the delivery item, we are not responsible for this and shall not be liable for any resulting damage to the supplier.

An event of force majeure includes without limitation: natural disasters, strikes, lock-out, sabotage, industrial dispute, war, civil war or warlike operations, threats of terrorism, civil commotion, usurpation of civil or military government, restrictions in the use of power. Identically treated as events of force majeure are all circumstances which are beyond the reasonable control of us ("Force Majeure").

Equal to such event of Force Majeure at the place of performance of duties is such event in a different place, if an extension of such risk to the place of performance in a foreseeable time cannot be excluded, and therefore prevents us from accepting the delivery item.

The supplier must conclude a transport insurance for the delivery corresponding to the value of the delivery item.

5. Retention of Title: Retention of title of the supplier are only valid until payment of the respective delivery item; extended or prolonged retention of title is inadmissible.

6. Shipment: In case no other agreement has been made, shipment must be made free of freight charges and expenses to the agreed place of performance. If no place of performance has been specified in the contract, shipment must be made to our premises in Eberbach.

7. Packaging: The supplier has, if we wish, to take back all or part of its packaging.

8. Transfer of Risk: The transfer of risk to us takes place after arrival and receipt of the goods at our premises and after receipt of proper shipping documents. Until this, the goods are stored with us at the costs and risk of the supplier.

9. Invoicing: Invoices in duplicate must be received within 8 days from shipment of the goods.

10. Payment: Payment including VAT will be effected at our choice either within 14 days with 3 % discount or within 30 days with 2 % discount or within 60 days net. Decisive for the deadline run is the date of placing the order with our bank.

11. Safety Devices: Goods such as machines, units, vehicles must have the necessary safety devices as per the accident prevention regulations of the Institutions for Statutory Accident Insurance and Prevention as well as per the applicable law.

12. Warranty: For the period of three years from acceptance of the goods the supplier is obliged to remedy immediately all deficiencies that are due to defective or inferior material, improper workmanship or construction at his costs DDP place of delivery or to replace affected parts. In urgent cases where it is unreasonable to ask the supplier for supplementary performance or if the supplier delays his warranty obligations, we reserve the right to remedy the deficiencies ourselves or to have the deficiencies remedied at the cost of the supplier or to purchase replacement.

The statutory provisions (§§ 377, 381 HGB (German Commercial Code)) apply to commercial inspection and notification of defects with the following provisions:

Our obligation to inspect is limited to defects that become apparent during our incoming goods inspection under external examination including the delivery documents (e.g. transport damage, incorrect or short delivery) or are identifiable in sample checks during our quality control. Insofar as acceptance has been agreed, there is no obligation to inspect. Moreover, it depends on the extent to which an investigation, taking into account the circumstances of the individual case, is feasible in the ordinary course of business. Our obligation of notification of defects discovered later remains unaffected. Notwithstanding our obligation to inspect, our complaint (notice of defect) shall in any case be considered as prompt and timely if it is sent within 5 working days of discovery or, in case of obvious defects, upon delivery.

Deviating from § 442 alinea 1 p. 2 BGB (German Civil Code) we are fully entitled to claims for defects, even if the defect remained unknown to us at the conclusion of the contract due to gross negligence.

The supplementary performance also includes the removal of defective goods and reinstallation, if the goods have been installed according to their nature and purpose of use in another thing or attached to another thing; our statutory claim for compensation for corresponding expenses remains unaffected. The supplier bears the expenses necessary for the purpose of the examination and supplementary performance even if it turns out that there was actually no defect. Our liability for damages in case of unjustified request to remedy defects remains unaffected; however, we are liable only if we have recognized or grossly negligent did not recognize that there was no defect.

Notwithstanding our statutory rights and the provisions in the preceding paragraph following applies: If the supplier does not fulfill his obligation to supplementary performance - at our discretion by elimination of the defect (rectification) or by delivering a defect-free item (replacement) - within a reasonable period of time set by us, we can remedy the defect ourselves and demand compensation from the supplier for the necessary expenses or a corresponding advance. If the supplementary performance by the supplier has failed or is unreasonable for us (e.g. because of special urgency, endangerment of operational safety or imminent occurrence of disproportionate damage), no deadline is required. We will inform the supplier about such circumstances immediately, if possible beforehand.

If the contract does not stipulate other agreements or if the applicable law does not require longer periods, claims under material defects on assembly parts and accessories for our machines expire in three years.

13. Other Liability: Incidentally, the supplier is liable in accordance with the statutory provisions for the culpably caused damage.

He undertakes to provide extended operating and product liability insurance coverage (for built-in components: incorporating a machine clause), including full coverage under the so-called product liability model, that means in particular also for removal and installation costs, with a coverage of at least EUR 5 million. The supplier will provide us with a corresponding confirmation of insurance upon request.

14. Supplier recourse: We are entitled to our legally determined recourse claims within a supply chain (supplier recourse in accordance with §§ 445a, 445b, 478 BGB) in addition to the claims for defects without limitation. In particular, we are entitled to demand exactly the type of supplementary performance (repair or replacement) from the supplier, which we owe to our customer in individual cases. Our legal right to choose (§ 439 alinea 1 BGB) is not restricted by this.

Before we acknowledge or fulfill a claim asserted by our customer (including reimbursement of expenses according to §§ 445a alinea 1, 439 alinea 2 and 3 BGB), we will inform the supplier and ask for a written statement with a short statement of the facts. If a substantiated statement is not made within a reasonable period of time and if no mutually agreed solution is brought about, the deficiency claim actually granted by us shall be deemed due to our customer. In this case, the supplier is in charge of the evidence to the contrary.

Our claims from supplier recourse also apply if the defective goods are further processed by us or another contractor, e.g. by installation into another product.

15. Industrial Property Rights: The supplier assumes liability that the delivered goods are not subject to industrial property rights of third parties. In case of an infringement of such rights the supplier is obliged to pay all damages to us and to third parties for the duration of the validity of these rights. However, in such a case we also reserve the right to obtain the required approval from the owner of said rights for delivery, installation, use, re-sale etc. of the goods at the expense of the supplier. The above regulations do not apply insofar as the supplier proves that he is neither responsible for the infringement of industrial property rights, nor should have recognized it at the time of delivery if commercial diligence had been taken.

16. Drawings, Non-Disclosure: Information provided by us or drawings based upon such information etc. may only be used for other purposes pending prior written approval by us.

All information given by us to the supplier as well as results based upon such information (with exception of information accessible to the public) must not be disclosed to third parties by the supplier for a duration of three years from conclusion of the contract and may only be used in the supplier‘s works for deliveries to us. Should it be necessary to disclose confidential information to third parties for the execution of the order, the non-disclosure must be extended to them. In the event of a violation of non-disclosure, a contractual penalty of EUR 25,000 per infringement act shall be deemed to have been agreed, however, maximum EUR 50,000 per order. The assertion of further damages is reserved, the contractual penalty is to be set off against the claim for compensation.

17. Tools and Models: If we pay in full or part the costs for tools and models, these tools respectively models remain our property. The return of the tools respectively models to us is replaced by the supplier storing them free of charge. They must be marked as DILO’s property and suitably insured against all risks at supplier’s expense.

They shall be renewed by the supplier at his own expense if they become unusable due to his fault, in the event of normal wear and tear, we will contribute 50% of the costs. The replaced tools also become our property. If we deem it necessary to ask the supplier to return the goods respectively models, he will do so without any objection. Tools and models may only be used for the production for third parties with our written approval.

18. Free Issue Equipment: Materials, tools etc. that we provide to the supplier for the execution of our orders remain our property. The supplier may only make intended use of this free issue equipment and may not release it to third parties, nor may he make other dispositions (e.g. pledge or assign security). Furthermore, the supplier must handle the tools and materials marked as our property with care and store them separately and well-arranged. In case of pledge or other claims of the objects by third parties, the supplier has to inform us immediately and to reserve our rights clearly stating the legal ownership of said objects. In addition, the supplier must insure at his expense the free issue equipment suitably against fire, water, theft and catastrophes. Upon our request, the supplier is obliged to return the free issue equipment insofar as these items are no more required for the order processing.

19. Minimum Wage, Compliance: The supplier assures that, when fulfilling the contract, he complies with the requirements of the law regulating a general minimum wage (MiLoG) and, in particular, pays the minimum wage on time. Nor will he use a subcontractor who does not pay the minimum wage or does not pay it on time. The supplier indemnifies us from liability pursuant to § 13 MiLoG in conjunction with § 14 of the Employee Lending Act. Insofar as he employs subcontractors, he will ensure that they also indemnify us from the stated liability.

The supplier further undertakes to take all necessary and appropriate measures to prevent corruption, in particular, neither grant nor accept any benefits that are not predominantly of a company nature, such as money, gifts or invitations.

20. Assignment of Claims: Claims from this contract can only be assigned to third parties with our written consent. This does not apply to monetary claims. A set-off or the exercise of a right of retention by the supplier is only permissible with undisputed, recognized or legally established claims.

21. Place of Performance: For delivery the destination is the place of performance, for the payment our respective registered office is the place of performance.

22. Place of Jurisdiction: Claims under purchase contracts as mentioned under paragraph 1 (see above) may only be made at the courts of law having jurisdiction for the business location of the purchaser.

23. Applicable Law: This Contract and the legal relations of the Parties shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the substantive law of the Federal Republic of Germany under exclusion of its Conflict of Laws rules. The law of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods shall be excluded.

However, we reserve the right to sue the supplier at any other general or particular place of jurisdiction.

General Conditions for International Sale

General Conditions for International Sale Contracts and Contracts for Work and Materials for Complete Lines, Machinery and Spare Parts of the Suppliers:

Dilo Systems GmbH, Eberbach
Dilo Machines GmbH, Eberbach
DG Engineering GmbH
Spinnbau GmbH, Bremen,
Temafa Maschinenfabrik GmbH, Bergisch Gladbach

1. Preamble

1.1. Context

1.1.1. Inclusion. These General Conditions shall apply together with the other provisions of the individual agreement (hereinafter altogether referred to as "Contract") between Buyer/Purchaser (hereinafter referred to as “Buyer” or “Purchaser”) and one of the above mentioned suppliers hereinafter the “Supplier”).

1.1.2. Priority of Individual Agreement. In case of contradiction between these General Conditions and any conditions of the individual agreement, the conditions of the individual agreement shall prevail.

1.1.3. Contradictory Conditions. General terms and conditions appearing on Buyer' s order or other documents that are additional to or different from these General Conditions and/or the individual agreement shall only become part of the Contract upon the express written consent of the Supplier.

1.1.4. Silent acknowledgement. Receipt by Supplier of Buyer' s order or receipt by Buyer of Supplier’s order acknowledgement without Supplier’s objections to the terms and conditions of Buyer, shall not constitute acceptance by Supplier of such terms and conditions of Buyer.

1.1.5 All deliveries and services are based on these Terms and Conditions as well as any separate contractual agreements. Any terms and conditions of purchase and order of the Purchaser are excluded. These General Terms and Conditions of Delivery shall also apply if the Supplier carries out the delivery to the Purchaser without reservation with respect to the fact that the Purchaser's terms and conditions may conflict with or deviate from these General Terms and Conditions of Delivery.

1.1.6 The Supplier reserves property rights, copyrights and all other industrial property rights to samples, cost estimates, drawings, etc. information of a physical and intangible nature - also in electronic form; they may not be made accessible to third parties. The Supplier will make information and documents designated as confidential by the Purchaser available to third parties only with the Purchaser's consent.

1.2. Binding Force

1.2.1. Offers. Unless expressly stated otherwise, Supplier’s offers are non-binding and subject to confirmation.

1.2.2. Order Confirmation. After clarification of all commercial and technical questions, the Supplier shall prepare a binding offer in the form of an order confirmation. A contract shall only become effective upon signature of the written order confirmation by Supplier and Buyer and shall be governed exclusively by the content of the order confirmation and these General Terms and Conditions of Delivery.

1.2.3. Oral Statements. Oral undertakings, representations and warranties are non-binding unless confirmed by Supplier in writing to become part of the contract.

1.3. Definitions

1.3.1. Incoterms. Any reference made to trade terms (such as EXW, FOB, etc.) is deemed to be made to the relevant term of INCOTERMS 2020 published by the International Chamber of Commerce.

1.3.2. The Product. The object(s) to be supplied (and installed, as the case may be) under these General Conditions is (are) hereinafter referred to as "Product"/”Products” or “Delivery Item”.

2. Product Description and Product Information

2.1. Product details

It is agreed that any information related to the Product and its use, such as weights, delivery terms, measurements, capacities, prices, colors and other data contained in catalogues, prospectuses, circulars, advertisements, illustrations, price-lists of the Supplier or his sub-suppliers, shall not take effect as terms of the Contract unless expressly referred to in the Contract. Supplier’s guarantees are only binding if they are expressly designated as such by the Supplier in an offer or in an order confirmation and if Supplier’s obligations from such guarantees and the legal consequences resulting from non-compliance with the respective guarantee are specified in detail.

General appraisals or indications as to the fitness of the Product for special purposes are binding only, if substantiated by specific parameters. Mentioning of the fitness to allow production of a specific end product is not a guaranteed quality of the Product or an assurance that the product may be realized independent from the production process. Such assurances or the assurance to grant technical support does not oblige Supplier to render know-how for the process of finishing, chemical and other treatment or confectioning of a specific end product.

2.2. Norms and Standards

2.2.1. International Standards. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, quality and dimensions shall be determined according to the regulations DIN, EN, ISO or other international standards; as valid at contract date.

2.2.2. European Standards. If no such standards are specifically agreed, the corresponding European Standards and in their absence the generally accepted commercial practices shall apply.

2.2.3. Reference. Reference to standards, material specifications or factory test certificates and measurements are no guaranteed characteristics or guarantees.

2.3. Indications of Buyer

2.3.1. Verification. Supplier shall not be obliged to check for correctness any documents submitted or data provided by the Buyer or his agent.

2.3.2. Errors. Supplier shall not be liable for any errors, omissions or faults contained in the documents and data mentioned under 2.3.1. above except in case of Supplier’s gross negligence or willful misconduct or in another case of liability as mentioned under clause 12.1. below.

2.4. Documentation

2.4.1. Product Information. If and to the extent agreed, the Supplier shall provide information and documents which are necessary to permit the Buyer to erect, commission, operate and maintain the Product.

2.4.2. Drawings. The Supplier shall not be obliged to provide manufacturing or workshop drawings for the Product or for the spare parts.

2.5. Protection of Intellectual Property

2.5.1. Acquisition of rights. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the Buyer does not acquire any property or other exclusive rights in software, drawings, technical information and data of the Supplier, which may have been made available to him.

The Supplier remains the exclusive owner of any Intellectual or Industrial Property Rights relating to the Product.

2.5.2. Purpose of Documentation. Drawings, technical documents or other technical information submitted to Buyer shall not, without the consent of the Supplier, be used for any other purpose than the erection, commissioning, operation or maintenance of the Product.

2.5.3. Disclosure. In particular Buyer shall not disclose any drawing, technical document or other technical information nor shall he allow viewings of the Product to any third party, especially to Supplier’s competitors, without the express prior written consent of Supplier, unless compelled by law or court order.

3. Inspection of the Product(s) and Acceptance Tests

3.1. Carrying out Inspections

3.1.1. Inspection. Unless otherwise agreed, any agreed inspection shall be carried out at the place of manufacture during normal working hours.

3.1.2. Inspection Report. If the Buyer is not represented during the inspection, the Buyer shall receive a binding inspection report by Supplier.

3.2. Acceptance Tests

3.2.1. Test Runs. Acceptance tests provided in the Contract shall, unless otherwise agreed, be carried out at the place of manufacture during normal working hours of Supplier or one of his sub-suppliers. In case a test run is due to take place at Buyer’s site, Buyer may only refuse test runs in case of essential defects.

3.2.2. Standards. If the Contract does not specify the technical requirements, the tests shall be carried out in accordance with generally accepted practice in the respective branch of industry in the country of manufacture.

3.2.3. Announcement. The Supplier shall notify the Buyer of the acceptance test(s) in sufficient time to permit the Buyer to be present or represented at the test(s).

3.2.4. Acceptance Test Report. If the Buyer is not present or represented in spite of timely announcement of the test, the Supplier shall make up the binding Acceptance Test Report.

If during acceptance test essential defects are not reported from Buyer, and if nevertheless acceptance protocol is not signed by the Buyer, the acceptance protocol signed by the Supplier shall be binding.

If an acceptance test is not carried out before start-up, it is equivalent to acceptance and equal to approval of acceptance tests, whenever production of marketable goods has been started using the Product.

If the parties nevertheless agree on an acceptance test after the production of marketable products has been started, this does not influence the start of the warranty period.

In case of minor defects Buyer may retain at maximum two times the amount equivalent to the estimated costs required for repair of such defects.

3.2.5. Repetition of Acceptance Test. If the acceptance test shows any lack of conformity of the Product not being only a minor discrepancy and therefore not qualifying for acceptance, then Supplier shall be entitled to repeat the acceptance test after having remedied any deficiencies or made appropriate adjustments. Para 3.2.3. and 3.2.4. apply accordingly.

3.3. Costs

3.3.1. Costs for Supplier. The Supplier shall bear his expenses and costs for the acceptance test(s) carried out at the place of manufacture.

3.3.2. Costs for Buyer. The Buyer shall bear his and his representative’s living expenses in connection with the inspections and acceptance test(s).

3.4. Assembly. Assembly of the Product on site of Buyer is conducted by way of a chief-assembly. Therefore, Buyer is required to put auxiliary personnel and equipment at Supplier’s disposal according to Supplier’s instructions.

The Supplier shall only bear the costs of any additional materials provided by the Buyer if a corresponding written order has been issued by the Supplier. For the purpose of assembly Buyer takes care of a free access to the foundations. 

4. Shipment, Transfer of Risk

4.1. Means of Transportation, Routing and Transfer of Risk. If it has been agreed that Supplier shall arrange for transport/shipment of the Product, Supplier shall be free to determine the shipping route and means of transportation as well as the forwarding agent and the carrier. Risk of incidental destruction or deterioration of the Product passes to Buyer at the moment of hand-over to forwarderunless a different reference point for the transfer of risk has been expressly agreed in writing on the basis of the Incoterms.

4.2. Delay of shipment without Supplier’s Fault

4.2.1. Storage. If dispatch or acceptance of the delivery item is delayed for reasons for which the Buyer is responsible, the Supplier shall be entitled to charge storage costs amounting to 0.5% of the price of the delivery items for each month commenced, but not more than a total of 5%, starting one month after notification of readiness for dispatch or acceptance. The contracting parties are free to prove higher or lower storage costs.

4.2.2. Due Date of purchase price. In such case Buyer will pay the agreed Contract price which would have become due upon delivery against warehouse receipt or similar document.

4.2.3. Risk of Deterioration. Any deterioration or loss of the Product during storage acc. to 4.2.1. and/or after take over by the carrier does/do not entitle Buyer to refuse delivery and taking over of the Product or to request a reduction of the purchase price.

4.3. Transfer of risk. Transfer of risk is determined by para 4.1. above and then exclusively by the relevant Incoterm, even if the parties agreed on a separate acceptance to be conducted after delivery. 

5. Delivery, Delivery Term, Delay

5.1. Cover purchases. The Supplier assumes no procurement risk. The Supplier's obligation to deliver is subject to punctual and proper delivery by its sub-suppliers, unless there is intentional or gross negligent behavior on the part of the Supplier. The Supplier shall inform the Buyer immediately of any delays that become apparent.

5.2. Delay of Delivery without Supplier’s Fault

5.2.1. Dates. Quoted delivery times are non-binding and approximate. They always refer to delivery EXW (manufacturer), even if this is not expressly mentioned.

5.2.2. Delivery time limits/ Delivery dates. The commencement of agreed delivery time limits / the application of fixed delivery dates is subject to clarification of all necessary details of the Contract and fulfillment by the Buyer of all his contractual obligations to cooperate in due time including, but not limited to the provision of all official documents, the issuance of letters of credit and/or the effecting of down-payments. If the delay of Buyer to fulfill his contractual obligations lasts longer than 14 days, Supplier may dispose of his capacities otherwise and will agree with Buyer on new adequate delivery dates.

5.2.3. Readiness for Dispatch. The delivery dates shall be deemed observed upon advice of readiness for dispatch in case the Product cannot be dispatched (delivered) in due time through no fault of the Supplier.

5.3. Delay of delivery due to Force Majeure etc.

If non-compliance with the delivery time is due to force majeure, in particular to blockage of performance due to official measures, interruption of traffic routes, war, riot, labor disputes, epidemics, pandemics (whether existing or future or foreseeable or unforeseeable epidemics and / or pandemics) or immediate danger to life or limb of the Supplier's employees / fitters or other events beyond the Supplier's control, the delivery time shall be extended accordingly. The Supplier shall inform the Purchaser of the beginning and the end of such circumstances as soon as possible.

An event that has occurred at the place of performance is equivalent to an event that has occurred at another place and whose spillover to the place of performance cannot be excluded in principle.

This provision applies regardless of whether the reason for the delay occurs before or after the agreed time for delivery.

5.4. Delay of delivery attributable to Supplier

5.4.1. Liquidated damages. If the Supplier has not delivered the Product at the due date for reasons attributable to him, the Buyer is entitled, under exclusion of any other remedies available under contract od statutory law, to claim liquidated damages for sustained proven losses exclusively and limited by the following Clauses 5.4.2. and 5.4.3.

5.4.2. Lump Sum. Liquidated damages amount to 0,5 % (or such other percentage as may be agreed) of the purchase price or - in case the value of the delayed portion is less - 0,5 % of the value of the delayed portion of the Product for each complete week of delay.

5.4.3. Limitation. Total amount of indemnification for delay of delivery including liquidated damages for delay shall not exceed 5 % of the purchase price or - in case the value is less - of the value of the delayed portion of the Product. Such limitation and the 0,5 % lump sum shall not be valid in case the delay results from Supplier’s gross negligence or willful misconduct.

5.4.4. Forfeiture. The Buyer shall forfeit his right to liquidated damages, if he has not reserved this right upon receipt of the Product at latest.

5.4.5. Due Date. Liquidated damages of delayed delivery will be due when claimed by Buyer in writing, but not before total delivery is executed or the contract has been terminated according to 5.5.

5.5. Termination at Delay of Delivery.

5.5.1. Final Period. If the Supplier has not delivered the Product for reasons solely attributable to him, by the date on which the Buyer has become entitled to the maximum amount of liquidated damages under Clause 5.4.3 the Buyer may in writing demand delivery within a final reasonable period. This final period shall not be less than 30 extra days, if the contract concerns the delivery of machineryand equipment.

5.5.2. Request of Recession. If the Supplier does not deliver within such final period and this is due to reasons attributable to him, then the Buyer may by notice in writing to the Supplier, fully or partly rescind the Contract in respect of such part of the Product which has not been delivered.

5.5.3. Compensation of Loss. If the Buyer terminates the Contract in accordance with the preceding Clause 5.5.2., he shall be entitled to compensation of the proven direct loss exceeding the amount of liquidated damages, which he has suffered as a result of Supplier's delay.

5.5.4. Limitation. The total compensation, including the liquidated damages for delay payable in accordance with Clause 5.4.3. shall not exceed 5 % of that part of the purchase price, which is attributable to the part of the Product in respect of which the Buyer has rescinded of the Contract. This limitation of liability shall not be valid in case of Supplier’s gross negligence or willful misconduct.

5.5.5. Assembly and Start-up. The aforementioned rules for delivery apply also for assembly works due under the Contract. If not stipulated differently in the Contract, Supplier’s duties include assembly at Buyers site as well as mechanical and electrical start-up.

5.6. Delay of Acceptance

5.6.1. Notice. Unless the Buyer's failure to accept delivery is due to any such circumstance as mentioned in clause 11.1.1 , the Supplier may by notice in writing require the Buyer to accept delivery within a final reasonable period.

5.6.2 Costs for waiting time and additional travel. If installation, assembly or commissioning is delayed due to circumstances for which the Supplier is not responsible, the Buyer shall bear the reasonable costs of waiting time and additional travel required by the Supplier.

5.6.3. Request of Termination by Supplier. If, for any reason for which the Supplier is not responsible, the Buyer fails to accept delivery within such period, the Supplier may by notice in writing rescind of the Contract in whole or in part.

5.6.4. Compensation of Loss. The Supplier shall then be entitled to compensation for the loss he has suffered by reason of the Buyer's default.

5.6.5. Compensation of Supplier in case of delay of acceptance amounts to 10% of the purchase price of the Product. Buyer may render proof that Supplier’s loss is below 10%, Supplier may render proof that his loss is above 10% of purchase price.

6. Price and Payment Conditions


6.1.1. Subject to Change. The quoted prices are subject to change prior to acceptance of Buyer's order by Supplier. Supplier reserves the right to change the price of individual components in the event of a change in the scope of delivery/services after conclusion of the contract.

6.1.2. VAT. Unless otherwise agreed, the prices do not include VAT.

6.1.3. EXW. Unless otherwise agreed, the prices shall be understood EXW (manufacturer).

6.1.4 If the Supplier is responsible for installation or assembly and unless otherwise agreed, the Customer shall bear all necessary ancillary costs such as travel expenses, costs for the transportation of tools, personal luggage and allowances in addition to the remuneration.

6.1.5 In the case of machinery and equipment, down payments and payments by the Purchaser shall be made without any deduction to the Supplier's account in accordance with the terms of payment agreed in the purchase contract or in the order confirmation. Unless otherwise agreed, the last installment shall be due no later than 6 weeks after delivery.

6.1.6 If the Buyer is in delay , the Supplier shall be entitled to claim interest for delay and any further damages in accordance with the statutory provisions.

The Supplier is entitled to demand interest on his claims from the due date onwards. Interest on interest, however, cannot be claimed.

6.1.7 If, after conclusion of the contract, the Supplier becomes aware of circumstances which justify the assumption that the financial circumstances of the Purchaser have deteriorated to such an extent that the consideration is jeopardized, e.g. due to the fact that the Purchaser does not pay due invoices, outstanding deliveries of the Supplier

a.) shall only be carried out against advance payment if they concern items which are only suitable for a specific customer due to their dimensions, shapes, quantities, etc.:

b.) in all other cases, against concurrent payment.

If requested advance payments are not made or if payment is not made upon delivery, the Supplier shall be released from its obligation to perform and may withdraw from the contract and claim damages in lieu of performance after the fruitless expiry of a reasonable grace period.

6.1.8 The customer shall only be entitled to offset counterclaims to the extent that his counterclaims are undisputed or have been legally established (proven).

6.2. Payment Conditions

6.2.1. Instalments. The purchase price shall be paid against advance payment at the conclusion of the contract and against irrevocable L/C with confirmation from a first class bank for the remaining purchase price.

6.2.2. Effectuation of Payment. All payments, without any deduction, shall be made on the due date to Supplier's free and unrestricted disposal in the contractually agreed currency. Upon Supplier’s request Buyer shall extend the validity of an L/C for an appropriate time.

6.2.3. Costs of Transfer. Any bank fees and/or charges for the monetary transactions and/or for issuing the agreed L/C or payment securities shall be borne by the Buyer.

6.3. Delay of Payment

6.3.1. Interest. From the day of Buyer’s delay onwards Supplier may charge interest at a rate of 8.0 % p.a. This does not exclude compensation for any exceeding losses, in particular caused by payment delay.

6.3.2. If Buyer is in delay with one instalment of the purchase price, Supplier may request immediate payment of the remaining instalments.

6.3.3. Right of Retention. In case of late payment the Supplier may, after having notified the Buyer in writing, suspend his performance of the Contract until he receives payment of all due amounts in full.

6.4. Payment Security

6.4.1. Payment at risk. If it becomes apparent after conclusion of the Contract that Supplier's entitlement for payment is - for example in view of imminent insolvency - at risk, the Supplier shall be entitled to an appropriate payment security – e.g. by way of payment guarantee from an international recognized bank - from Buyer as condition precedent to the delivery of the Product. In case such payment security upon request and adequate delay cannot be presented, then Supplier may rescind the Contract and claim damages accordingly.

6.4.2. Right of Dispute. The Buyer shall not be entitled to set off any counter-claim(s) from any payments due by him, unless such counter-claim(s) is/are undisputed, legally binding or evidenced.

7. Retention of Title

7.1. Conditions of Transfer.

The Product shall remain the property of the Supplier (Product under retention of title) until full satisfaction of all actual and future claims against the Buyer arising from the respective Contracts and the relationship with Buyer regardless of their legal basis, which at the time of conclusion of the Contract (have) come into being.

In case the above retention of title is not effective according to the law of the country, to which the Product is supplied, a security corresponding to the retention of title shall be deemed agreed upon.

7.2. Alternative Forms of Security.

7.2.1. Resale. Buyer is entitled to sell, to process or to connect and subsequently resell the Product under retention of title by way of prolonged retention of title, if this happens during his ordinary course of business. Pledge or transfer of title for securing other liabilities is not allowed. Buyer has to give immediate written notice of any amendments, confiscation, or other forms of third party disposal to the Supplier. The Buyer may only transfer title of the Product if all and any claims of the Supplier are fulfilled.

7.2.2. Processing and Amendments. Any processing and amendments done by the Buyer will be done exclusively in the name and on behalf of the Supplier. If any amalgamation of the Product with other products not being in the ownership of the Supplier take place, the Supplier acquires joint ownership of the new product in the proportion in which the purchase price is related to the value of the new product. The new product is deemed to be the Product under retention of title according to these conditions.

7.2.3. Assignment. Buyer hereby assigns all future claims and ancillary rights he acquires in connection with the resale of the Product as well as claims against his insurers as security to the Supplier. In case of an international resale the Buyer furthermore hereby assigns - when concluding the Contract - all actual and future claims against national and international lending institutions, especially from factoring, Confirmed and other Letters of Credit as well as bonds and guarantees to Supplier. If the resale takes place together with products not being in the ownership of the Supplier – whether processed or not – any claim of the Buyer is deemed to be assigned in the proportional value of the purchase price of the Product under retention of title. Such assignment is not meant to be a grace period of the amounts due to the Supplier.

7.2.4. Realization of the Receivables. Buyer shall remain entitled to realize the assigned receivables also after such assignment. The Supplier will nevertheless be entitled to claim for the receivables in his own name. He will not do so, as long as Buyer is not in delay of payment, no insolvency of the Buyer has been applied for, no such application has been dismissed due to lack of funds and no suspension of payments exists. If any of such cases arise, Buyer has to give prompt written notice to the Supplier and has to give all necessary information and documents on the assigned claims and debtors to Supplier. He will inform the debtors in writing about the assignment.

7.3. Storage. During the period of the retention of title the Buyer shall properly maintain the Product, keep it separate from other products and mark it as being in Supplier’s ownership. He has to insure the Product at his own costs for the benefit of the Supplier against theft, breakage, fire, water and other possible risks.

7.4. Transfer of title upon request of Buyer. The Supplier will transfer ownership of the Product under retention of title and assigned receivables to Buyer, in so far as the respective values surpass 120% of the Supplier’s claims against Buyer.

8. Warranty Claims

The delivery is free of material defects if it meets the subjective requirements at the time of the transfer of risk, i.e. if it has the agreed quality, is suitable for the use stipulated in the contract and is handed over with the agreed accessories and the agreed instructions, including assembly and installation instructions. The agreed characteristics include the type, quantity, quality, functionality, compatibility, interoperability and other characteristics of the item for which the parties have agreed requirements. In addition to the agreed quality, which is determined exclusively by our product specification resp. the agreed service description, the product has a quality that is customary for other items of the same type. No other or further subjective or objective requirements, properties and characteristics other than the expressly agreed quality of the deliveries are owed. A warranty for a specific intended use, functionality, compatibility, interoperability, duration of use or durability after the transfer of risk that goes beyond the warranty for this quality agreement is only assumed insofar as this has been expressly agreed in writing; otherwise the risk of ownership and use is the sole responsibility of the Purchaser.

With this proviso, the Supplier shall be liable under warranty for material defects and defects of title in the delivery under exclusion of any further claims - subject to clause 12.1 as follows:

9. Liability for Non-Conformity of Product

9.1. Examination, Notification

9.1.1. Examination. The Buyer shall examine the Product without undue delay after its arrival at destination fort the absence of any nonconformities.

9.1.2. Notice. Buyer shall notify the Supplier in writing of any non-conformity of the Product.

9.1.3. Content of the Notice. The notice shall specify the nature of such non-conformity.

9.1.4. Term. Notice has to be given within 10 days from the date when the Buyer discovers or ought to have discovered the non-conformity.

9.1.5. Preclusion. In any event the Buyer shall have no contractual remedy for non-fulfillment or non-conformity, if he fails to notify the Supplier thereof (by specifying the nature of such non-fulfillment or non-conformity) within 12 months from the date of delivery of the last effectively delivered partial delivery of the Product. This does not apply, if Supplier has intentionally not mentioned the non-conformity, if liability results from breach of guarantee or if the non-conformity is caused by an intentional or gross negligent breach of duty of if the non-conformity in connection with an at least negligent behavior of Supplier has caused damage to health or bodily injury to Buyer or his employees

9.1.6 Modifications to deliveries and services. If changes are made to the deliveries and services, parts and/or accessories are replaced or third-party parts (including third-party wear parts) are installed, any warranty shall lapse unless the customer proves that the defect is not due to such modification.

9.1.7 Improper rectification by the Buyer. If the Buyer or a third party carries out improper repairs, the Supplier shall not be liable for the resulting consequences. The same applies to changes made to the delivery item without the prior consent of the Supplier.

9.1.8. Minor Deficiencies. Products will be deemed to conform with the Contract despite minor discrepancies which are usual in the particular trade or through course of dealing between the Parties.

9.2. Remedies. Where the Product is non-conforming (and provided the Buyer has given notice of the lack of conformity in compliance with Clause 8.1), the Supplier shall at his option have the choice between repair and replacement:

9.2.1. Repair of the (portion of) Product shall take place within a period of time reasonable under the circumstances and at Buyer' s premises, to which Buyer has to grant access for Supplier' s personnel and to give all reasonable end necessary support and assistance.

Of the direct costs arising from the repair or replacement delivery, the Supplier shall bear the costs of the replacement part, including shipping, insofar as the complaint proves to be justified. He shall also bear the costs of removal and installation as well as the costs of any necessary provision of the necessary fitters and assistants, including travel costs, insofar as this does not result in a disproportionate burden on the supplier. The Supplier shall not be liable for any expenses incurred as a result of the goods being transported to a location other than the Purchaser's branch office, unless the Purchaser has informed the Supplier in writing in the order prior to conclusion of the contract that the goods will be transported to a location other than the Purchaser's branch office and the Supplier has expressly agreed to this.

9.2.2. Replacement takes place of the non-conforming Product with a conforming Product on a CIF-/ CIP-delivery basis within a period of time reasonable under the circumstances. The Supplier shall be entitled to remove and take back the replaced (portion of) Product. Buyer shall bear the country-specific import duties.

9.3. Repetition of Remedial Action. In case the repair or the replacement do not immediately lead to conformity of the Product, Supplier is entitled to repeated repairs or replacements at his choice, unless further repairs or replacements are unreasonable and unacceptable for the Buyer.

9.4. Absence of Non-Conformity. If the Buyer has given notice of the non-conformity and no lack of conformity is found for which the Supplier can be held responsible, the Supplier shall be entitled to damages and/or compensation for the expenses incurred as a result of such notice.

9.5. Notice. If within a final reasonable period of time, the Supplier does not fulfill his duties under Clause 9.3., the Buyer may rescind of the Contract or claim damages in accordance with clause 12.

9.6. Repair by Third Party. If the Supplier has chosen to repair the Product, but fails to fulfill his remedy obligations within such final period of time, the Buyer may himself undertake or employ a third party to undertake the necessary remedial works at the expense of the Supplier.

9.7. Costs. Where successful remedial work has been undertaken by the Buyer or a third party, Supplier shall reimburse the reasonable and properly substantiated costs incurred by the Buyer, however, limited to 50 % of the price of the non-conforming portion of the Product. This limitation of liability does not apply if one of the cases of clause 12.1. below apply.

9.8. Reduction/Recession. Only where the non-conformity has not been successfully remedied in accordance with the preceding sections, Supplier may choose between reduction of purchase price, recession or damages.

9.8.1. Reduction of Purchase Price. Supplier may decide to grant a reduction of the purchase price in proportion to the reduced value of the Product.

9.8.2. Recession and/or damages. Otherwise Supplier may rescind the Contract after giving written notice to the Buyer and/ or claim damages. In this respect the provisions of the individual agreement and the conditions of these general conditions apply, complementary the legal provisions apply.

9.9. Non-Conformities not under Supplier’s responsibility

9.9.1. Material provided by Buyer. The Supplier is not liable for non-conformity of the Product arising out of materials provided by or a design made or specified by the Buyer, except if breach of an informational duty by Supplier is due to gross negligence or wilful misconduct.

9.9.2. Proper use. The Supplier is liable only for lack of conformity of the Product which appears under the conditions of operation provided for in the Contract and under proper use of the Product. Buyer is especially obliged to observe the following duties:

He shall observe all prescriptions of the maintenance- and instructions manuals, to accept any training offer made by the Supplier, to keep a maintenance diary, in which all maintenance works shall be entered with date, item and result of such maintenance works and to inform Supplier immediately of any eventually identified defects.

9.9.3. Risks of use. Buyer is responsible for protection of the Product and the staff against any risk of using the Product from first start up onwards. Special installations of protection against such risks, if not within the scope of delivery, have to be supplied by the Buyer. This is especially valid for installations for fire protection, spark detection, fire signalling systems and more general alarm systems.

9.9.4. Excessive Use. In particular, the Supplier shall not be liable for impairment of use caused by the following circumstances: incorrect operation, storage, maintenance, improper assembly, installation or incorrect repair by the Buyer or by third parties or modifications without the Seller's written consent. The exclusion of liability does not apply if one of the liability cases mentioned in clause 12.1. exists.

9.9.5. Wear and Tear. Finally, the Supplier's liability does not cover normal wear and tear or damage from corrosive materials, incorrect solvents, fluids or lubricants, unsuitable raw material and incorrect or faulty power– or water supply, if such supplies have been provided by Buyer.

9.10. Limitation. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, no action for non-conformity, nun-fulfillment or damages can be taken by the Buyer, whether before judicial or arbitral tribunals, after one (1) year from the date of shipment of the Product or its storage as per Clause 4.2.1. whichever occurs earlier. Claims regarding non-conformity of spare parts delivered under warranty are subject to the warranty period of the Product. Spare parts not subject to warranty are delivered with a one-time warranty period of three months. Except wear and tear parts repeatedly replaced spare parts and spare parts delivered free of charge but without obligation to do so, are not subject to warranty.

This does not apply if the deficiency is due to gross negligence or willful misconduct, liability results from breach of guarantee or if the deficiency in connection with an at least negligent behavior of Supplier caused bodily injury to Buyer or his employees.

If an acceptance is agreed upon, the warranty period starts with signing of the acceptance protocol, if no other term is decisive in accordance with para. 3.2. above. However also in this case the warranty period shall expire ultimately 15 months after complete delivery.

10. Co-Operation between the Parties

10.1. Third Party’s Claims against Buyer. The Buyer shall promptly inform the Supplier of any claim made against the Buyer by his customers or third parties concerning the Product delivered or Intellectual Property Rights or other rights related thereto.

10.2. Third Party’s Claims against Supplier. The Supplier will promptly inform the Buyer of any claim which may involve the product liability of the Buyer.

11. Force Majeure

11.1. Consequences

11.1.1. Damages, Restrictions. In an event of force majeure the Parties are exempted from the fulfillment of their respective obligations for the duration of the event of force majeure. An event of force majeure includes without limitation: natural disasters, strikes, lock-out, sabotage, embargo, import restriction, port congestion, lack of usual means of public transportation or traffic roads, industrial dispute, war, civil war or warlike operations, threats of terrorism or strikes of terrorists, civil commotion, usurpation of civil or military government, restrictions in the use of power. Identically treated as events of force majeure are delays in deliveries by subcontractors / sub-Suppliers caused by any such circumstances referred in this clause or any other circumstances which are beyond the reasonable control of the party affected ("Force Majeure").

Equal to such event of Force Majeure at the place of performance of duties is such event in a different place, if an extension of such risk to the place of performance in a foreseeable time can not be excluded.

11.1.2. Excuses. An event of Force Majeure, however, shall not excuse the failure of payment of moneys due by either Party to the other.

11.2. Notifications. The Party claiming to be affected by an event of Force Majeure shall notify the other Party in writing without delay on the occurrence and on the cessation of such circumstance.

11.3. Other Consequences

11.3.1. Hindrance of Supplier, Prolongation. If Force Majeure prevents the Supplier from fulfilling his obligations in time, the delivery period shall be extended adequately and Buyer shall extend the validity of payment securities correspondingly.

11.3.2. Hindrance of Buyer, Securing of the Product If Force Majeure prevents the Buyer from fulfilling his obligations and duties, he shall compensate the Supplier for expenses incurred in securing and protecting the Product.

11.3.3. Long lasting Hindrance. If the performance of the Contract is substantially prevented, hindered or delayed for a single period of more than thirty (30) days on account of an event of Force Majeure, the Parties will attempt to develop a mutually satisfactory solution in particular with regard to the time of delivery and the payment of the Contract price.

11.3.4. Rescission. Failure to agree upon such solution within another thirty (30) days of being requested by the other Party therefore, shall entitle either Party to rescind of the Contract by giving written notice to the other.

11.3.5. Consequences of Rescission. Upon such termination, the Buyer shall pay to the Supplier the Contract price properly attributable to the parts of the Product or work executed by the Supplier at the date of rescission and the costs incurred by the Supplier for the removal of Supplier' s equipment from Buyer' s premises (if applicable).

12. Damages, Limitation of Liability

12.1. Limitation of Liability. Limitation of Liability. Claims for damages or compensation of expenses (hereinafter together referred to as "claims for damages") regardless of their legal basis against the Supplier are excluded unless based on the provisions of the Product Liability Code or Data Protection Law, a breach of contractual or statuary obligations by the willful misconduct or gross negligence of the Supplier, liability for health or bodily injury of the Buyer or his employees due to a breach of obligation solely attributable to the Supplier, o a guarantee for the existence of a certain characteristic of the Product or the breach of fundamental contractual obligations by the Supplier.

12.2. Breach of essential Contractual Duties. In case of a breach of essential contractual duties by the Supplier damages of the Buyer are restricted to the typical, foreseeable loss, except if such damage is caused by intentional or gross negligent behaviour of the Supplier, or if there is liability for health, bodily injury of the Buyer or his employees or if liability is due to a guarantee for the existence of a certain characteristic of the Product.

Essential duties are those duties which allow performance of the contract. Foreseeable is a damage, which typically may occur when such duty is neglected.

12.3. Restrictions. Supplier's liability for the above is limited for property damages to a maximum of EUR 5 Mio. per accident, in total, however, not exceeding EUR 5 Mio. and for bodily injury/death of persons to EUR 2.5 Mio. per accident.

12.4. Responsibility. These provisions shall only be applied to personal injury and property damages which occur, if the Product has been installed I erected under the responsibility of Supplier or which result from other circumstances solely attributable to the Supplier.

12.5. Not Binding Advice. If Supplier furnishes Buyer with advice or other assistance which concerns any Product supplied hereunder or any system or equipment in which any such Product may be installed, the furnishing of such advice or assistance is given on a good will basis and shall not subject Supplier to any liability, whether in Contract, warranty, tort (including negligence or patent infringement) unless in a case of wilful misconduct or gross negligence of the Supplier or if there is another case of liability as specified in clause 12.1.of these terms and conditions.

If reference is made to certain referential end products to be produced on the Product, this may in no case construed as being a warranty on certain production technologies or putting certain know-how at Buyers disposal.

12.6. Agents, Employee’s. A breach of duty by Supplier’s agent or employee is equal to the breach of duty by Supplier himself.

12.7. Insurance. Buyer is requested to protect himself against the risks not taken over by Supplier and to take care for the relevant insurance cover.

13. Miscellaneous

13.1. Privacy Policy

13.1.1. Supplier’s information on data protection can be found at

13.2. Severability

13.2.1. Invalidity. The invalidity of any provisions of these General Conditions or any individual provisions of the Contract does not affect the validity of the remaining provisions.

13.2.2. Intended Purpose. Any invalid provision shall be replaced by the parties by a valid one which is likely to achieve the intended commercial purpose.

13.3. Amendments

Any amendments and supplements of these General Conditions and the other terms of the Contract shall not become effective unless made in writing.

13.4. Place of Performance

For the purpose of this Contract and unless otherwise agreed, the place of performance of the Parties shall be or shall be deemed to be the place of Supplier’s place of business.

13.5. Notices, Amendments

13.5.1. Written Form. Any notice to be given pursuant to the Contract and any amendments of the Contract shall be in writing signed by the Party giving such notice or making such amendment.

13.5.2. Transmission. Notices shaIl be delivered by hand, by courier or sent by prepaid first class post to the other Party's business address designated in the contract documents and shall be deemed to be duly received:

if delivered by hand, courier or telegram, on the date when properly received at the address of the recipient; or

if sent by registered mail, on the date on the return receipt; or

if sent by facsimile, upon receipt by the sender of an acknowledgement or transmission report generated by the sender's facsimile machine, provided a copy of such facsimile is also sent by one of the aforementioned notice methods.

14. Jurisdiction and Governing Law

14.1. Jurisdiction

All disputes arising from the Contract shall in first instance be dealt with in friendly negotiations. If those negotiations are not successful, a competent court in Zurich is responsible. This shall also apply to disputes as to the creation and validity of a contractual relationship.

14.2. Applicable Law. The Contract including these General Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the substantive Swiss law. The conflict of law rules and the provisions of the UN Sales Convention (CISG) are excluded.

14.3. Ambiguities. In case of contradictions or ambiguities between the German and English version of these General Conditions the German version shall prevail.


January 2024

General Conditions for the Servicing and Repair of Machines and Systems for International Customers

General Conditions for the Servicing

and Repair of Machines and Systems for International Customers

of the Dilo Companies (hereinafter referred to as “Contractor”):

Dilo Systems GmbH, Eberbach

 Dilo Machines GmbH, Eberbach

DG Engineering GmbH, Eberbach

Spinnbau GmbH, Bremen

Temafa Maschinenfabrik GmbH

Bergisch Gladbach

I. General

1. All services and repairs to be provided by the Contractor (hereinafter: "Services") are subject to these Terms and Conditions (hereinafter: "Service Terms and Conditions") and any separate contractual agreements. The Service Terms and Conditions apply to companies, legal entities under public law or special funds under public law (hereinafter: "Customer") Any terms and conditions of the Customer are hereby rejected. These Service Terms and Conditions shall also apply if the Contractor performs the services or repair work without reservation in the knowledge that the Customer's terms and conditions conflict with or deviate from these Service Terms and Conditions.

2. If the Customer requests remote support via electronic media (VPN, telephone), this shall be provided on the basis of a Remote Support Contract to be concluded separately.

3. The Contractor reserves the right to samples, cost estimates, drawings and similar information. The Contractor reserves ownership rights, copyrights and all other industrial property rights to samples, cost estimates, drawings and similar information of a physical and non-physical nature - including in electronic form; they may not be made accessible to third parties.

II. Conclusion of the Contract, General Information, Safety Information

1. After clarification of all commercial and technical questions, the Contractor shall prepare a binding offer in the form of an order confirmation. A contract is only concluded when the written order confirmation is signed by the Contractor and the Customer and is based exclusively on the content of the order confirmation and these Service Terms and Conditions.

2. If the part to be replaced as part of the services is not supplied by the Contractor, the Customer is obliged to ensure that industrial property rights of third parties do not conflict with the performance of the services and must confirm this to the Contractor in writing without being requested to do so. If such confirmation is not provided, the Contractor shall not be obliged to perform the services. The Customer shall hold harmless the Contractor against all third-party claims, including the reasonable costs of legal action arising from an infringement of industrial property rights that has occurred as a result of the services performed, upon first request.

3. The Customer must inform the Contractor in good time in writing about contamination, any health-endangering residues in the items to be repaired as well as transport risks and other repair-relevant measures to be taken.

III. Impracticable Repairs

1. Services rendered for the purpose of submitting a cost estimate and any additional work which must be documented (error location time equals working time) shall be invoiced to the Customer if the repairs cannot be carried out for reasons beyond the Contractor’s control, particularly because

- the reported fault did not occur during inspection,

- spare parts cannot be acquired,

- the Customer culpably failed to appear at the scheduled appointment,

- the contract was terminated while repairs were being carried out.

2. The machine or system (hereinafter: “the item to be repaired”) only needs to be returned to its original state at the explicit request of the Customer against compensation for costs, unless the work that was carried out for the repair was not necessary.

3. Subject to Section XII, the Contractor shall not be liable if the repairs cannot be carried out, the Contractor is not liable for damages to the object to be repaired, breach of secondary contractual obligations, or for damages which did not occur to the object to be repaired itself, regardless of the legal basis invoked by the Customer.

IV. Cost Data, Cost Estimate

1. Insofar as possible, the Customer will be informed of the estimated price of the repairs at the conclusion of the contract, otherwise the Customer can set cost limitations. Such cost information is non-binding.

If the repairs cannot be carried out at these costs or if the Contractor finds additional work to be necessary during the repairs, consent is to be obtained from the Customer if the stated costs are to be exceeded by more than 15%.

2. If a cost estimate with binding price estimates is desired, this is to be explicitly requested by the Customer. Insofar as no other agreements have been reached, that type of cost estimate is only binding if it is submitted in writing. It is to be compensated. The services performed for the purpose of submitting the cost estimate will not be invoiced to the Customer, insofar as they can be realised while carrying out the repairs.

V. Price and Payment

1. The Contractor has the right to demand an appropriate pre-payment at the conclusion of the contract.

2. The prices for the parts, materials and special services utilised as well as the prices for the work performed and the travel and transport costs are to be reported separately for the invoicing of the repairs. If the repairs are carried out on the basis of a binding cost estimate, a reference to the cost estimate will suffice wherein only deviations to the scope of service are to be listed separately.

3. Any value-added tax due will be invoiced to the Customer in its respective statutory amount.

4. Any correction to the invoice on the part of the Contractor and any objection on the part of the Customer must be submitted in writing by four weeks after the invoice is received at the latest.

5. The payment is to be made upon acceptance and hand-over of the item to be repaired or transmission of the invoice without discount.

6. Offsetting and retention rights with regard to any counterclaims of the Customer disputed by the Contractor are not permitted; rather, the assertion of such rights requires undisputed and/or legally established claims in the reciprocal relationship.

VI. Assistance and Technical Customer Aid for Repairs Outside of the Contractor’s Place of Business

1. The Customer has to support the repair personnel at the Customer’s own expense while the repairs are being carried out. The Customer shall notify the Contractor of any irregularities or damage identified by him for which service work has to be carried out, or shall specify the scope of an inspection to be carried out by the Contractor.

2. The Customer is to take the necessary special measures to protect persons and things at the repair site. The Customer has also to instruct the Contractor’s personnel about any existing special security regulations, insofar as these are relevant for the services to be provided under the contract. The Customer will notify the Contractor of any violations of such safety regulations on the part of the repair personnel.

3. For the services to be provided on site at the Customer’s premises, a contact person for the Contractor's personnel must be named and kept available who is responsible, competent and authorized for all questions relating to the execution of the contract.

4. The Customer promises to provide technical assistance at the Customer’s own expense, particularly for:

a) the provision of the necessary suitable assistants in the quantity required and for the time required for the repairs; any instructions of the Contractor in connection with the performance of the services shall be given exclusively to the contact person designated by the Customer. Such instructions shall be binding. The contact person shall issue the corresponding instructions to the auxiliary staff without delay. The Contractor is not liable for the actions of these assistants. If a defect or damage is caused by the auxiliary staff due to any instructions given by the Contractor, the provisions of Sections XI and XII of these Conditions shall apply accordingly.

b) the performance of all construction, bedding and scaffolding work including the procurement of the necessary construction materials.

c) the provision of the necessary appliances and heavy equipment as well as the necessary daily requisites and materials.

d) the provision of heat, lighting, operating power and water including the necessary connections.

e) the provision of the necessary dry and lockable areas for storing the equipment of the repair personnel.

f) protection of the repair site and materials from all types of damaging influences and the cleaning of the repair site.

g) the provision of suitable, theft-proof break rooms and work areas (with heating, lighting, washing facilities, sanitary installations) and first aid for the repair personnel.

h) the provision of the materials and performance of all other actions necessary for the adjustment of the object to be repaired and for carrying out a contractually stipulated test.

5. The Customer’s technical assistance must ensure that the repairs are begun immediately upon the arrival of the repair personnel and can be carried out without delay until acceptance by the Customer. Otherwise, the Customer shall bear any additional costs incurred as a result of any delay. Insofar as special plans or instructions are required from the Contractor, the Contractor will make these available to the Customer in good time.

6. If the Customer does not fulfil these obligations, after a specific period the Contractor is authorised but not obligated to carry out the Customer’s responsibilities in place of the Customer and at the Customer’s expense. The Contractor’s other legal rights and claims are not affected by this.

VII. Transport and Insurance for Repairs at the Contractor’s Place of Business

1. Except in cases of justified claims for subsequent performance, if no other agreements are made in writing, the Customer can request the delivery and pick-up of the object to be repaired (including any packaging and loading costs) at the Customer’s own expense, otherwise the object to be repaired will be delivered to the Contractor and picked up again from the Contractor by the Customer at the Customer’s own expense after the repairs are completed.

2. The Customer bears the risk of conveyance

3. At the client’s request, the delivery and pick-up (if any) will be insured against insurable risks of conveyance such as theft, breakage and fire.

4. There is no insurance protection during the time the repairs are being carried out at the Contractor’s place of business. The Customer is responsible for maintaining the existing insurance protection for the object to be repaired, e.g. regarding fire, tap water damage, storm, and machine breakage insurance. Insurance protection can only be provided for these risks at the express request and at the expense of the Customer.

5. If the return of the item to be repaired is delayed for reasons for which the Customer is responsible, the Contractor shall be entitled to charge a storage fee of 0.5% of the value of the repaired or replaced part or the price of the repair for each month or part thereof, starting two weeks after notification of completion of the repair, up to a maximum of 5% of the value of the repaired or replaced part or the price of the repair. The higher value shall be decisive here. The contracting parties are at liberty to prove higher or lower storage costs.  The object to be repaired can also be stored somewhere else as deemed appropriate by the Contractor. The Customer will bear the costs and risks involved in this storage.

VIII. Execution Date, Repair Deadline, Repair Delay

1. The execution date for the service activities shall be agreed individually between the Customer and the Contractor. If it is not possible to carry out the service activities on the agreed date for reasons for which the Customer is responsible, the Customer shall be obliged to notify the Contractor accordingly at least seven days before the announced date on which the service activities are to be carried out. If this notification is not made or not made on time, the costs incurred as a result shall be charged to the Customer.

2. The information about the repair deadlines are based on estimates and are therefore non-binding.

3. The Customer may only request an agreement about a binding repair deadline (which must be indicated as binding) if the scope of the work is precisely defined. The Contractor is not obliged to comply with such request.

4. The binding repair deadline shall be deemed to have been met if, by the repair deadline, the item to be repaired is ready for approval by the Customer, in the case of a contractually agreed performance test, ready for testing at the place of repair.

5. Additional or expanded orders or necessary additional repairs will extend the agreed repair deadline accordingly.

6. If the repair is delayed due to force majeure, in particular due to blockage of the service due to official measures, interruption of traffic routes, war, riots, labour disputes, epidemics, pandemics (whether existing or future or foreseeable or unforeseeable epidemics and / or pandemics) or immediate danger to life or limb of the Contractor's employees or other events beyond the Contractor's control, the repair period shall be extended adequately. The Contractor shall notify the Customer of the beginning and end of such circumstances as soon as possible. If the end of the disruption is not foreseeable or if it lasts longer than 6 months, either party shall be entitled to withdraw from the contract.
The event occurring at the place of performance is equivalent to an event that has occurred at another location and whose spread to the place of performance cannot be excluded in principle.

7. If damages arise for the Customer as a result of a delay by the Contractor with a binding repair deadline, the Customer has the right to demand a flat-rate compensation for delay after the expiry of a grace period of four weeks. It amounts to 0.5% for each full week of delay for a maximum of 5% of the repair price of the part of the object to be repaired by the Contractor which cannot be used as scheduled due to the delay. If the Customer sets an appropriate performance deadline for the Contractor after the due date (taking into account the statutory exceptions) and if this deadline is not met, the Customer has the right to withdraw from the contract within the framework of the statutory provisions. At the Contractor’s request, the Customer promises to notify the Contractor within a suitable period of time whether this right of withdrawal will be exercised. Other claims due to delay are excluded.

IX. Acceptance

1. The Customer is obligated to accept the repair work as soon as the Customer is notified of its completion and any contractually stipulated test of the object to be repaired has taken place. If the repairs prove to not have been carried out according to the contract, the Contractor is obligated to correct the defect. This does not apply if the defect is unimportant to the interests of the Customer or are due to a circumstance for which the Customer is responsible. If there is no significant defect, the Customer cannot refuse acceptance.

2. If the acceptance is delayed without fault on the part of the Contractor, the acceptance will be considered to have been carried out after two weeks have passed since the Customer was notified of the completion of the repairs.

3. Upon acceptance, the Contractor is relieved of liability for noticeable defects, insofar as the Customer has not reserved the right to file a claim for a specific defect.

X. Reservation of Proprietary Rights, Expanded Lien

1. The Contractor reserves the right of ownership of all accessories, spare parts and replacement items used until receipt of all payments from the repair contract. Further security agreements can be concluded.

2. Due to the Contractor’s claim, the Contractor is entitled to a lien on the Customer’s object to be repaired which came into the Contractor’s possession as a result of the contract. The lien can also be exercised due to claims from previously performed work, spare part deliveries and other services, insofar as they are related to the object to be repaired. The lien only applies to other claims from the business relationship insofar as they are uncontested or legally valid.

XI. Claims for Defects

1. If there is a defect in the repair at the time of transfer of risk, the Contractor shall, subject to timely notification of defects, either repair or replace the goods at its discretion. The Customer is always obliged to give the Contractor the opportunity for subsequent performance within a reasonable period of time.

2.The Customer is to notify the Contractor of any detected defect immediately in writing.

3. The Contractor is not liable if the defect is unimportant to the interests of the Customer or are due to a circumstance for which the Customer is responsible. This especially applies to defects or damage caused by parts provided by the Customer.

4.Deviations from specifications or agreements on consumption, performance and quality parameters of up to plus/minus 10 percent do not constitute a defect in the item to be repaired.

5. If any improper changes on the item to be repaired or maintenance work on these is carried out by the Customer or third parties without the prior consent of the Contractor, the Contractor is relieved of liability for the results.

6. Only in urgent cases of danger to operational safety and for the prevention of disproportionately serious damages (whereby the Contractor is to be notified immediately) or if the Contractor has allowed the set suitable deadline for correcting the defect to pass fruitlessly (taking into account the statutory exceptions) does the Customer have the right within the framework of the statutory provisions to correct the defect on the Customer’s own or through third parties and to demand compensation from the Contractor for the necessary costs, provided that this does not result in a disproportionate burden on the Contractor.

7. The Customer shall have the right to reduce the price and to withdraw from the contract in accordance with the statutory provisions if the Contractor missed a reasonable deadline without excuse.

8. If a defect is due to the fault of the Contractor, the Client can demand compensation under the conditions of Section XII. of these conditions. Section VIII. 6 remains unaffected.

XII. Contractor’s Liability, Exclusion of Liability

1. In the event of a breach of duty, defective delivery or tort, the Contractor shall only be liable for damages and reimbursement of expenses - subject to further contractual or statutory liability requirements - in the event of intent or gross negligence and in the event of slightly negligent breach of a material contractual obligation (contractual obligation, the breach of which jeopardizes the achievement of the purpose of the contract). However, in the event of a slightly negligent breach of a material contractual obligation, the Contractor's liability shall be limited to the typical damage foreseeable at the time the contract was concluded.

2. The exclusions and limitations of liability contained in Section XII. No. 1 of these Service Terms and Conditions shall not apply in the event of the assumption of a guarantee for the quality of the item, in the event of fraudulent concealment of a defect, in the event of damages resulting from injury to life, limb or health and in the event of a breach of provisions of Data Protection Law and mandatory liability under the Product Liability Act.

3. The Contractor's liability shall be limited to 10 % of the total net remuneration of the repair order per individual case of damage, with the exception of the cases specified in Section XII No. 2 and legally binding deviating liability amounts. Any further liability is excluded.

4. In the event of a breach of a pre-contractual obligation or an obstacle to performance already existing at the time of conclusion of the contract, the Contractor's obligation to pay compensation shall be limited to the negative interest.

5. To the extent that the Contractor's liability is excluded or limited, this shall also apply to the personal liability of the Contractor's employees, workers, staff, representatives and vicarious agents.

6. Technical advice on possible applications of the Contractor's products and all related information provided by the Contractor shall always be non-binding.

XIII. Statute of Limitations

All Customer claims, for whatever legal reason, lapse after 12 months. The statutory deadlines apply to compensation claims for damages according to Section XII. 2.

XIV. Customer Compensation

If the equipment or tools provided to the Contractor at the repair site outside of the Contractor’s place of business are damaged without the fault of the Contractor or if they are lost without the fault of the Contractor, the Customer is obligated to compensate for these damages. Damages due to normal wear and tear remain out of consideration for this.

XV. Applicable Law, Place of Jurisdiction, Ambiguities

1. The Contract, including these General Conditions, shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the substantive Swiss law. The Swiss conflict of law rules and the provisions of the UN Sales Convention (CISG) are excluded.

2. All disputes arising from the Contract shall in first instance be dealt with in friendly negotiations. If those negotiations are not successful, a competent court in Zurich is responsible. This shall also apply to disputes as to the creation and validity of a contractual relationship.

3. In case of contradictions or ambiguities between the German and English version of these General Conditions the German version shall prevail.

Release: Mai 2024

  • General Conditions - Servicing International 270.14 KB
  • AGB - Serviceleistungen National 183.55 KB
  • AGB - Lieferung von Anlagen, Maschinen und Ersatzteilen national 171.19 KB
  • General Conditions - International Sales 375.59 KB
  • General Conditions of Purchase - national 116.44 KB
  • General Conditions of Purchase - international 295.87 KB

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