DiloGroup Inaugurates Sales and Service Office in India
The DiloGroup inaugurated its newly opened sales and service office on November 15, 2018 at Gurugram, India. With the establishment of the Gurugram office, Dilo will now be able to keep a closer relationship with their Indian customers and cater their needs promptly.
Dilo India Pvt. Ltd. will be headed by Yogesh Garg, who is a well-known expert on Dilo equipment and in the field of nonwovens. He will be guided by DiloGroup's Sales Director Dr. Gunnar Hemmer.
On the same day a technology symposium was held by DiloGroup along with Groz-Beckert and Brückner Textile Technologies. All three companies introduced their latest technologies and developments to Indian customers. The symposium was attended by over 150 Indian customers.
The photograph was taken during the ribbon-cutting ceremony.
From left to right: Dr. Gunnar Hemmer, Sales Director DiloGroup, and Björn Grözinger, Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany, New Delhi