Universal and high capacity needlelooms
Our universal and high capacity needle looms are available in the execution with one or two needle beams (OD from top and UD from bottom) as well as double needlelooms in the version OUG and OU. Double needlelooms can needle from top and bottom simultaneously with half the amount of needles or in alternate mode with a full set of needles. The advantage of an OUG needleloom is the space-saving compared to two single needlelooms when two-sided needling is required. As needling from top and bottom is done on top of each other, fibre mobility is the same in both first and second needling zones, and differences between top and bottom surface are small. In the OU version, drives, stripper and stitching plates of first and second needling zone are separated which allows variation of plate gap and stroke frequency between the two needling zones. The OU version represents two needlelooms in one single frame.
All DILO needlelooms are characterized by a very long-life cycle and reliability. This is achieved by
- Automatic central lubrication for main and eccentric bearings
- Possible cold starting without preheating
- Integrated maintenance plan
- Needle beam guiding by rocker arm system
- Fast clamping system with index pin allows the fast exchange of needleboards within a minute